Send button group data to livewire from alpine

So i’ve been able to create a button group and get it selectable in alpine, but i’m at a loss how to send the array data to livewire. Below is the group of days of the week, i’d like to send the value of dayofweek to livewire, i’ve tried adding wire:model but it doesn’t seem to make a difference.

<div x-data="{ 
      dayofweek: [
      	{ name: 'SU', selected: false },
      	{ name: 'MO', selected: false },
      	{ name: 'TU', selected: false },
      	{ name: 'WE', selected: false },
      	{ name: 'TH', selected: false },
      	{ name: 'FR', selected: false },
      	{ name: 'SA', selected: false }

   <div class="inline-flex">
       <template wire:model="dayofweek" x-for="selectedDay in dayofweek">
             :class="{ 'bg-blue-900': selectedDay.selected }" 
	     class="py-2 px-3 bg-blue-500 text-white text-base font-semibold shadow-md hover:text-blue-300 focus:outline-none" 
	     @click="selectedDay.selected = !selectedDay.selected"

I’m at a bit of a loss.