Surge Pikadate example doesn't work when using YYYY-MM-DD

I am working with the date picker (pikaday) example from surge. I tried to change it to use YYYY-MM-DD format and it is behaving weird. Every time the date picker shows up, it goes back one day. If the input is 2020-08-01 and I select it, the date changes to 2020-07-31.
I added some console logs to see what was happening. When pikaday displays, it generates a change event with the previous day of what it was set to.

Steps to Reproduce:
Change the surge pikaday component to use YYYY-MM-DD

Are you using the latest version of Livewire:

Do you have any screenshots or code examples:


  x-data="{ value: @entangle('date'), picker: undefined }"
  {{--  format: 'MM/DD/YYYY',  --}}
  x-init="new Pikaday({ field: $refs.input,  onOpen() { this.setDate($refs.input.value) } })"
  x-on:change="value = $"
      {{--  placeholder="MM/DD/YYYY"  --}}

And the PHP code:

namespace App\Http\Livewire\Experiments;

use Livewire\Component;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class DatePicker extends Component
public $date;

protected $rules = [
    'date' => 'sometimes'
const REDIS_KEY = 'experiment:date';
const DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d'; //'m/d/Y'
public function mount()
    $rawDate = Redis::get(self::REDIS_KEY);
    Log::debug("Read date {$rawDate}");
    $this->date = ($rawDate) ? Carbon::parse($rawDate)->format(self::DATE_FORMAT) : Carbon::now()->format(self::DATE_FORMAT) ;

public function updatedDate()
    Log::debug(__METHOD__ . ' ' .print_r($this->date, true));
    $stdDate = Carbon::parse($this->date)->format('Y-m-d'); // this is the storage format regardless of what it looks like on the page
    Log::debug("Storing date {$stdDate}");
    Redis::set(self::REDIS_KEY, $stdDate);

public function render()
    return view('');


I used the date format given in the video. That will have to do for now. It still does not work with yyyy-mm-dd.

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