Table 'livewire.sessions' doesnt exist

What seems to be the problem:

nothing works any more

Steps to Reproduce:


Are you using the latest version of Livewire:

Do you have any screenshots or code examples:

> Illuminate\Database\QueryException
> SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'livewire.sessions' doesn't exist (SQL: select * from `sessions` where `id` = SVRHrELdnlq4czboEJ7pLahz7n91KprCoOGfMAql limit 1)
> http://livewiretest.test/

I’m assuming you are calling the database livewire and you tried to install jetstream

So, just running php artisan migrate:fresh if you don’t have any important data in your database.

Or make a backup and refresh the database and import your data again.

that is exactly the right answer (unfortunately)

That’s OK @reniar1, It happens. A lot :smile:

Happy to help mate :slight_smile: