What seems to be the problem:
On IOS via iPad (safari and chrome) touch events via livewire do not emit. Was wondering if anyone has dealt with such issues? Any issue in the domain of touch and livewire events/actions would be helpful.
Steps to Reproduce:
If i’m using Livewire actions wire:click
or wiring the model up via wire:model
the ipad doesn’t seem to be able to call any of the actions or update livewire component properties.
Are you using the latest version of Livewire:
Using version livewire/livewire": "^1.0.0
Do you have any screenshots or code examples:
Here’s an example of the inputs that I wired up:
<input id="consentObtained[1]" type="radio" value="1" wire:model="consentObtained">
<label for="consentObtained[1]" class="mr-4">
<input id="consentObtained[0]" type="radio" value="0" wire:model="consentObtained")>
<label for="consentObtained[0]" class="ml-4">
For debugging purposes I’ve also tried
<button wire:click="$set('foobar', 'jones')">set the foo</button>
<button wire:click="foobarAction">safasd</button>
Because I thought perhaps the bug had something to do with the way I was using Labels and Inputs… but these standard buttons didn’t work either. However, when I did a simple javascript event handler like `onclick=“alert(‘hi’)” the touch event was registered and I saw the alert box.