Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of null

What seems to be the problem:

I keep running into this from time to time. I have seen other posts that list the main reason for this is having “one root element” but I have been double checking that and I am pretty certain it is not the issue.

Does anyone have some good debugging steps or ideas I can do to help myself discover the issue? Has anyone else ran into this? I will look into trying this as well: https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/troubleshooting

Are you using the latest version of Livewire:

Full error:

index.js:20 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of null
at new Component (index.js:20)
at onNodeAdded (index.js:339)
at callHook (morphdom.js:35)
at handleNodeAdded (morphdom.js:140)
at morphdom.js:407
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:332
at morphEl (morphdom.js:219)
at morphdom.js:463
at Component.handleMorph (index.js:249)
at Component.value (index.js:222)
at Component.value (index.js:167)
at Component.value (index.js:143)
at Connection.value (index.js:30)
at Object.Connection.driver.onMessage (index.js:9)
at http.js:30

Are you using turbolinks?

I tried installing turbo links with npm yesterday but it didn’t seem to do the trick. Is it recommended to always use turbo links? However maybe I didn’t do it right? Is there more to do other than requiring turbo links? Is there an example I can follow? Thanks a lot!

turbolinks is not required it is only used to improve the speed of the web turning it into a spa