Underscore (_) on parameters name not working

What seems to be the problem:
The underscore can’t be used in variables when using livewire component in <livewire: … /> form.

Steps to Reproduce:
<livewire:tenant.contract.event.list-table :contractid=’$record->id’ /> <— WORKS

@livewire(‘tenant.contract.event.list-table’,[‘contract_id’=>$record->id]) <— WORKS

<livewire:tenant.contract.event.list-table :contract_id=’$record->id’ /> <— DOESN’T WORK


Unresolvable dependency resolving [Parameter #0 [ $contract_id ]] in class App\Http\Livewire\Tenant\Contract\Event\ListTable (View: C:\laragon\www\coolproject\resources\views\tenant\contract\edit.blade.php)

Are you using the latest version of Livewire:
Yes, latest 1.x version

Do you have any screenshots or code examples:
Shown above

Happens to anyone else?


Hey, @hferreira
Maybe LW tries to handle the variable as a Camel Case style and the best practice in PHP following the PSR use Camel Case style when you define a variable in your code.


Yes, if you use camelcase or lowercase it works, but if there is a underscore in the variable name it gives an error… that shouldn’t happen, I think… because that only happens when using the <livewire:… /> blade declaration, if you use the old @(livewire it works correctly…

I have not tried it before TBH.