Update Child component


I have an issue I can’t get my head around. I have set up a structure of components as:

Post -> Comment -> CommentReply

CommentReply emits an event captured by Post. Post updates the comments collection.

The Comment (Model) has self relation as responses.

Now if the comment is top level the view is updated. But if the responses relation is updated the view don’t show the update. If I emit a refresh event that is mapped to $refresh in Comment (component) the component throws error:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'fingerprint' of null

Hey, @uurrahman
Can you provide your question with example code?


public function post_reply () {
    $new_comment = $this->comment->response()->create($c);
    $this->is_replying = false;
    $this->emit('content:comments:replied', $new_comment);

Comment.php (component)

    public $listeners = [
        'content:comments:replied' => 'replied'

   public function replied($comment) {
           received as array because type hinting
           created error of array to string conversion
        $c = new CommentModel($comment); 


@foreach($comment->responses as $response)
         {{ $response->comment }}

     <livewire:comment-reply :comment="$comment" :key="'comment-' . $response->id" />


<div x-data="{ replying: @entangle('is_replying') }">
    <button @click="replying = true;" x-show="!replying">Reply</button>
   <div x-show="replying">
       <textarea wire:model.defer="c.comment"></textarea>
       <button wire:click="post_reply">Post</button>

So here is how I went by this…

  1. Created a component CommentView and moved the comment display logic to this component
         {{ $comment->comment }}

     <livewire:comment-reply :comment="$comment" />
  1. Comment component has two variables now, the $comment and $responses, every time the CommentReply emits the content:comments:replied the $responses variable is refreshed.


    public $listeners = [
        'content:comments:replied' => 'replied'

   public function replied() {
        $this->responses = $this->comment->responses()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();


    <livewire:comment-view :comment="$comment" />
    @foreach($responses as $r_comment) 
          <livewire:comment-view :comment="$r_comment" :key="'response-' . $r_comment->id" />

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