Using withPagination

What seems to be the problem:
when i use WithPagination Trait, page url changes to /livewire/message/

Steps to Reproduce:

nested components

Are you using the latest version of Livewire:


Do you have any screenshots or code examples:

Hey, @philipnjuguna66

Make sure you are implementing @livewireScripts in your page.

#Hi @skywalker
I have added @livewireScripts

I had to add keys for my nested components. This is discussed in the Docs.

My navigation looks like
<a wire:click="$emitTo('main-nav', 'goToPage','crm.clients')">CRM</a>

My main nav class

     protected $listeners = [
        'goToPage' => 'goToPage'

    public $page = "home";

    public $key;

    public $component;

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.main-nav');

    public function goToPage($page)
        $this->page = $page;

        $this->key =  time();


main nav blade

        @livewire( $this->page, [], key($this->key))

Result when Project uses this trait use WithPagination;



@joleenshook that how my components look like