Why livewire create subfolder in livewire-tmp folder and can not find temp file?

My livewire version ^1.3 . and remote Image server is being used separately.

I can not upgrade livewire up to 2.x right now…

I got this error .

File not found at path: livewire-tmp/Leq1rOyYge2biOuMgO2RnC5wbmc=-.png 

I looked up logs .

I found error message in laravel log file.

[2021-03-19 00:55:35] production.ERROR: File not found at path: livewire-tmp/Leq1rOyYge2biOuMgO2RnC5wbmc=-.png 
{"userId":2,"exception":"[object] (League\\Flysystem\\FileNotFoundException(code: 0): File not found at path: livewire-tmp/Leq1rOyYge2biOuMgO2RnC5wbmc=-.png at /projects/myproject/vendor/league/flysystem/src/Filesystem.php:389)

Leq1rOyYge2biOuMgO2RnC5wbmc=-.png was not found in tmp folder…

so I went to Image Server and run this

find ./ -name "Leq1rOyYge2biOuMgO2RnC5wbmc=-.png" 
wwwuser@img-server:~/storage/image-storage/livewire-tmp$ find ./ -name "Leq1rOyYge2biOuMgO2RnC5wbmc=-.png"

Yes I found 5 ‘Leq1rOyYge2biOuMgO2RnC5wbmc=-.png’ with in different folder but not ‘livewire-tmp’ base folder.

My question.

  1. In livewire-tmp folder, there are temp files and folders. Why are folders created ‘sometimes’ not always?
    It is same in 2.4 version. So I guess There could be same situation happens in 2.x version.

  2. How can I solve this problem ?

Followings are parts of config/livewire.php

   'temporary_file_upload' => [
        'disk' => 'image-storage', //  it is specified in 'filesystems.php' 
        'rules' => null,       
        'directory' => null,   
        'middleware' => 'throttle:20,1'  , 
