Why method of AppHeader component is not triggered on emit?

In Laravel 8, livewire2 I make a header component , which I call in
resources/views/layouts/frontpage.blade.php :


<body class="flex flex-col min-h-screen">
    @livewire('app-header', ['layout'=>'frontend'])

<main class="frontend_page_container_wrapper z-20 ">
    {{ $slot }}

<footer class="bg-green" style="height: 138px !important;">




To update current info in header when new page is opened in any component I call event of AppHeader component.
Like in app/Http/Livewire/Hostel/HostelsHomepageSpotlight.php :


namespace App\Http\Livewire\Hostel;

use Livewire\Component;

class HostelsHomepageSpotlight extends Component
    public function render()
        return view('livewire.hostel.hostels-homepage-spotlight', [
    } // public function render()
    public function mount()
        $this->hostelsDataRows = Hostel
        \Log::info(  varDump(-1, ' -1 HostelsHomepageSpotlight before setCurrentPageProperties::') );
//        $this->emitUp('setCurrentPageProperties', [  // IF TO UNCOMMENT THIS LINE - IT DOES NOT WORK
        $this->emitTo('AppHeaderAppHeader','setCurrentPageProperties', [
            'layout'                => "frontend",
            'icon'                  => 'hostel',
            'additive_class'        => '',
            'title'                 => 'Spotlight hostels',
            'trigger_js_event'      => true,
            'template_container_id' => "hostels_homepage_spotlight_page_container"
    } // public function mount()

and in app/Http/Livewire/AppHeader.php :


namespace App\Http\Livewire;

use Livewire\Component;

class AppHeader extends Component
    protected $listeners = ['setCurrentPageProperties' => 'setCurrentPagePropertiesCallback'];
    public function render()
        return view('livewire.app-header',  [])
            ->layout('layouts.') ;//. $this->layout;
    public function mount(
    ) {
    public function setCurrentPagePropertiesCallback($data)
        \Log::info(varDump($data, 'INSIDE  -1  setCurrentPagePropertiesCallback $data::'));
        if ( ! empty($data['layout'])) {
            $this->layout = $data['layout'];
    } // public function setCurrentPagePropertiesCallback($data)

When I open page with HostelsHomepageSpotlight.php component
I see degugging line

-1 HostelsHomepageSpotlight before setCurrentPageProperties

but not

INSIDE  -1  setCurrentPagePropertiesCallback 

as setCurrentPagePropertiesCallback method of HostelsHomepageSpotlight.php is not triggered.

How can it be fixed?
