Wire:ignore issue with highlight js css

Hello all guys, nice to meet you!
I have a problem with wire:ignore, whenever my function showCommandByCategory() is called with wire:click the result is filtered, but the CSS of highlightjs disappears, I cannot understand why the first record is shown correctly, while the following ones are not.
This is my view:

    <livewire:partials.hero />

    <section class="section">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="columns">

                <div class="column is-3">
                    <aside class="is-medium menu">
                        <p class="menu-label">
                        <ul class="menu-list" x-data="{ active: false }">
                                    wire:click.prevent="showCommandByCategory({{ null }})"
                                    @click="active = false"
                            @foreach($categories as $val)
                                        wire:click.prevent="showCommandByCategory({{ $val->id }})"
                                        :class="{ 'is-active': active == {{ $val->id }} }"
                                        @click="active = {{ $val->id }}"
                                        {{ $val->title }}
                        <p class="menu-label">

                <div class="column is-9">
                    <div class="content is-medium">
                        <h3 class="title is-3">Comandi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯</h3>
                        <progress wire:loading wire:target="showCommandByCategory" class="progress is-medium is-primary" max="100">15%</progress>
                        @foreach($commands as $val)
                            <div wire:loading.class="is-hidden" class="box" wire:ignore>
                                <h4 class="title is-3"> {{ $val->name }}</h4>
                                <h5>{{ $val->category->title }}</h5>
                                <article class="pb-2">
                                    <p>{{ $val->description }}</p>
                                <pre><code>{{ $val->command }}</code></pre>



And this is what happens to highlight.js css after call showCommandByCategory() function

my component is simple:

class Homepage extends Component


    public $commands, $categories, $command_title;

    public function mount()



            'commands' => Command::with('category')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(),

            'categories' => CommandsCategory::all()



    public function render()


        return view('livewire.homepage');


    public function showCommandByCategory($id = null)




            $this->commands = Command::with('category')->where('category_id', $id)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();

            $this->command_title = CommandsCategory::select('title')->where('id', $id)->get();

        } else


            $this->commands = Command::with('category')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();

            $this->command_title = null;


