Wire:model prevent getting data from database

in the same form, the new user can fill the about data and the registered users can edit about data. the textarea element has about wire:model. but in edit mode, the already filled about is not shown and if I delete wire:model the data is shown.


  <textarea wire:model="about" class="h-32 border w-full p-3">
{{ $user->profile ? $user->profile->about : '' }}


  public $about;

here the $user->profile->about is not shown for the registered user in textarea, even I can see the text in the chrome element tab. if I remove wire:model=" about" the text is shown. I think the wire:model=“about” fill the default of textarea. How I can show the registered user data?

create a public property $about on the component. Initialise the public property in the component. Remove the blade tags inside the textarea.

it was my problem that I got $user from render() function, I changed it to mount() and everything went ok.