Working on local, but not on staging

On my local dev env the Livewire component is working totally fine. Today I deployed to our staging env, and suddenly, the component does not render. I am using deferred loading, and readyToLoad stays false on staging, so the component does not load…

Livewire Version: dev-master d02003713558ca478792df6480f51d59971802ee

Any idea, what could be wrong?
Thank you!

can you show us any code, console errors, error logs or the component code itself.

I would check first what is actually rendered by a blade. Livewire component has to have wire:id.
And I would probably not use dev-master version of Livewire and stick to the latest release (who know what are the breaking changes there?)

And also check that @livewireStyles and @livewireScripts have brackets like this: @livewireStyles() nowadays sometimes it matters :slight_smile: - blade just do not render those commands for some reasons.

sometimes the div container that chips with the components when its created makes deference too

This is the rendered div, you see it has a wire:id and you see also that readyToLoad is false, so the defered loading is not triggered. I tried php artisan cache:clear, but no difference…


This looks right. Have you checked that @livewireStyles and @livewireScripts are rendering right CSS and JS?

Yes, they do. I can see the rendered JS (for path reasons I put manually <script src=".../livewire/livewire.js"></script>) as well as the rendered inline css where I have the <livewire:styles> tag…

I think I found my mistake, only the script tag is not enough. So I needed to use livewire:scripts with the proper asset path in config. This seems to work better for the frontend, just backend problems to fix.